Charism is to adore and revere Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar; and making Him known, and loved by many and to center our lives on the services of the Eucharist.
Daily Spiritual Reading
For one hour daily, we may read from our Constitution, the Congregational Rule of Life, the Life of the Saints, a passage from the Bible. For Novices and postulants, their spiritual readings will always be from the Constitution and the Congregational Rule of Life. This is because we need to understand the (Charism) and the Apostolate of the Order. The Novice’s mistress or the postulant’s mistress is the one in charge of doing the reading, and at the same time, does the explanation of the reading to the novices and postulants. The Novices and the postulants also can participate fully in the reading and ask questions concerning the content of the reading and how it applies to their lives and how they can can benefit from it. In this manner, the novice/postulant mistress then will explain the content/meaning to them.
Daily Prayer Life
Our prayers are to be said at the appropriate time chosen by the community. We will have our morning prayers before the Holy Mass or immediately after the Holy Mass. The most important thing is that it must be said together as a community. Daily community recitation of the rosary and individually, this is because in our communities, individualism has no room/place. Therefore, it should be avoided. Everybody must lineup and leave the convent at the same time for Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis is crucial to us knowing that we are sinners in need of God’s mercy.
We have four daily prayers in the morning, afternoon, evening and night prayers at the designated time. The Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament value togetherness in the Community than any other thing in this world; this is because the Bible said: “where two or three are gathered together in my name, “there I am”. Therefore, if any sister wishes to be alone or not participating in the Community affairs like: prayer, recreation, eating & other events should leave the Congregation. We care for each other, share our sorrows and joys together with our fellow sisters. If any sister finds togetherness uncomfortable or difficult to see other sisters as the members of her family is not adapt to the Order of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament-SBSN. That person should leave the SBSN and go and look for another Congregation of her choice (Mother C. Okechukwu).
We have a one-hour daily individual encounter with our Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar every day, at the time assign to each sister to do her adoration in the Community Chapel. We also do Community adoration together at the time chosen by the Superior of the community or Novice’s Mistress; and the adoration is for all the sisters in the community encountering their King of Kings and the Lord of lords, who is the Author of our Existence.